Sierra United Soccer Club is the most competitive soccer play program offered by TCYS. Joining the squad has requirements and expectations so the team and each player can be successful on matchdays!
The following describes what is needed to join and become a Sierra United soccer player.
To register and play for Sierra United SC, a player must first try out for the team by participating in a scheduled tryout session prior to the start of that season. All prospective players must compete in a tryout to make the cut and become rostered onto the team. A tryout will consist of demonstrating soccer skills in ball control, kicking and passing accuracy, ball receiving, dribbling, and other essential skills and abilities while being ranked and evaluated by the team coaches.
Tryouts are scheduled two times per year, one for fall program and one for spring program. All prospective players who are interested and have the commitment to play at a demanding level are highly encouraged to tryout for the team. A high level of commitment and dedication is a prerequisite from both the players and the player's families.
After the player tries-out and makes the team, registration fees will vary from $500 to $1,000 per player for the league season. There is no cost to tryout for the team. Fees are for team uniforms, referees, league registration, and regional tournaments outside of league play. To subsidize and lower the overall fees, teams will host fundraisers throughout the season at various locations and offerings. Some teams pursue sponsorships to reduce the costs for the team. Fundraising announcements are posted on social media and on SUSC upcoming events webpage.
We believe every child can and deserves to play this beautiful game no matter the financial situation. There are scholarship opportunities available at Athletic Scholarship Foundation of Tuolumne County.
Playing Season
The competitive play season runs from June 1 to May 31, and within the season there are three play programs: fall, winter, and spring.
The fall program begins with tryouts in May, training begins in June, League play and matches start in August with Regional Tournaments and State Cup matches programmed around the League play schedule. League play ends in November and NorCal State Cup Finals in December. The spring program begins with tryouts in January (if needed), League play starts in March, and ends in May.
Sierra United SC have been entering teams into futsal in January and February. This play is the build-up and a part of the spring program. Some SUSC teams choose and opt to play in the NorCal Premier Futsal competitions.
The Team Coaches (Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, Team Manager, and Team Treasurer) of the individual SUSC teams have the discretion to register its team into Regional Tournaments, into the NorCal State Cup, into Futsal, and are responsible for coordinating scheduling efforts with league officials. Regular season league play is scheduled by Team Coaches with opposing Team Coaches.
Requirements and Expectations
Sierra United SC teams are competitive traveling teams.
Teams will typically play in Modesto, Stockton, Merced, Madera, Turlock, Livingston, Los Banos, Angels Camp, or Sonora. Some teams may travel further such as to San Jose, Fresno, Sacramento, or Reno for tournaments. Some teams may travel even further for Regional, State, National, or International for championships. It's possible!
Because of the travel commitment, a high level of dedication is needed from the players and families. A love for the game and a passion to become a better soccer athlete is a must. Overall, the desire to grow as an individual and with a team of players to become their best is expected.
Play with Character. Play United.